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Public Lecture: Jeremy Waldron "The Philosophical Foundations of Immigration Law"

Mittwoch, 23.05.2018

As part of our workshop, Jeremy Waldron will hold a public lecture on the 4th of June, 5:30pm, in the HS 02.11.

The lecture is public, attendance is free for everyone.

Monday, 4th of June, 5:30pm, HS 02.11.

Jeremy Waldron teaches legal and political philosophy at NYU School of Law. Until recently, he was also Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford University (All Souls College). A prolific scholar, Waldron has written extensively on jurisprudence and political theory, including numerous books and articles on theories of rights, constitutionalism, the rule of law, democracy, property, torture, security, homelessness, and the philosophy of international law. His books include Dignity, Rank, and Rights (2012), Partly Laws Common to All Mankind: Foreign Law in American Courts (2012), The Harm of Hate Speech(2012), Torture, Terror, and Trade-offs: Philosophy for the White House (2010), Law and Disagreement(1999), and The Dignity of Legislation (1999).

Please contact klemens.wieringer(at)uni-graz.at with any open questions!

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