Duration: 2.10.2017 - 1.10.2022
Confronting the past remains an important problem. Past injustices often leave clear traces in the present; many individuals and groups suffer disadvantages due to the ongoing effects of historical injustice. In many cases, compensation has been granted neither to the victims of injustice nor to their descendants. Injustice persists when exile, traumatic experiences, damage to the collective self-image, mistrust and disputes over so-called sacred places are the result.

| +43 316 380 - 2300 Institut für Philosophie Im Semester: Dienstag 15:30-16:30 Uhr, in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit: nach Vereinbarung http://homepage.uni-graz.at/de/lukas.meyer/ |
| +43 316 380 - 2299 Institut für Philosophie Parteienverkehr: Mo - Do 9.00 -12.00 Uhr |